

20093月,美国罗彻斯特大学TAK WAI CHAU博士正式受聘我院助教授。TAK WAI CHAU博士是我校“经济学创新平台”建设项目2009年(第五期)海外招聘计划中引进的优秀人才,其个人基本信息如下:

Research Interests

Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics, Family Economics


Ph.D. in Economics, University of Rochester, 2009 (expected)

M. A. in Economics, University of Rochester, 2005

M. Phil. in Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003

B. S. Sc. in Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001


“Testing the Collective Model of Household Labor Supply: Evidence from China,” (with H.Li, P.W. Liu and J. Zhang) China Economic Review, 2007, (18) 389-402.

Research Papers

“Labor Income Mobility and Lifetime Inequality in the United States and Germany:

Extensions of Copula Approach” (Job Market Paper)

“Measuring Intergenerational Persistence of Lifetime Labor Income with Income Dynamics Model: A Comparison between United States and Germany” (Work in Progress)
