【1097期】 10月19日微观经济学学术研讨会:A Theory of Updating Ambiguous Information(汤睿,助理教授,香港科技大学)


【主题】A Theory of Updating Ambiguous Information


【时间】202110 19日  星期二  15:00-16:30

【地点】Zoom,会议ID: 8264 1474 904,密码:906201

会议链接:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82641474904


【摘要】We introduce a new updating rule, the conditional maximum likelihood rule (CML) for updating ambiguous information. The CML formula replaces the likelihood term in Bayes’ rule with the maximal likelihood of the given signal conditional on the state. We show that CML satisfies a new axiom, increased sensitivity after updating, while other updating rules do not. With CML, a decision maker’s posterior is unaffected by the order in which independent signals arrive. CML also accommodates recent experimental findings on updating signals of unknown accuracy and has simple predictions on learning with such signals. We show that an information designer can almost achieve her maximal payoff with a suitable ambiguous information structure whenever the agent updates according to CML.

